Welcome to James Kemp's Wiki

This is a collaborative web platform that allows people to edit1) the web pages to provide additional content for some of the stories I have written and the roleplaying games that I am involved in, whether as a player or GM.

There are several namespaces operating slightly different wiki subjects. These are, in no particular order:

  • Skyss - Story Background - a fantasy novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2016.
  • Perfects - background for the near future story and some police roleplaying that I ran in that universe
  • Theocracy of Daprav - A D&D campaign that I ran with Glasgow University Games Society around 2002-3.
  • Jim Wallman's Universe - a roleplaying by e-mail campaign that I play in, this is an unofficial wiki and none of it is canon unless Jim says it is.
    • Interstellar Freelance Unlimited - subset of the Universe pages covering the activities of a mercenary company that we are currently roleplaying every Full Moon.
    • Earth Imperium pages. These cover the activities of the Government of the Solar republic (aka Earth Empire) in Jim's Humanity Will Prevail campaign, including the Earth Imperium News Items.
    • Free Worlds Alliance - covering the activities of another emerging polity in the Humanity Will Prevail campaign. Mostly contributed by Eric Moroney.
    • Universe Background - page collecting the various bits of background info that have come up in various e-mail discussions for the campaigns set in Jim Wallman's Universe.

Comments and complaints to me at webmaster@full-moon.info please.

James Kemp

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Kingdom of Skyss

the standard crest of Skyss, a circle of seven circles, gold coins when painted, and crossed axes in the middle with a boat prow underneath. Usually it was rendered on a blue circle with coloured paint. The boat was green and the axes red. This coin had a small hole drilled where the top-most of the seven coins went.


Skyss is a non-hereditary Kingdom. Established almost 800 years ago it was founded by the College of Heroes to stabilise the area and ensure good government that supported trading rather than raiding as the primary activity. Skyss has gone from being a dangerous backwater on questionably viable land to a major power that maintains peace over a large area.

As well as the office of King, and the nine Electors, the main factors in this common prosperity are the Board of Trade, navy, and justice.

12 Jan 2019 21:31 · james

Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness

Malfin's rune symbolMalfin is known as the Goddess of the Darkness, which to the Skyssians isn't a bad thing. They live in an arctic environment, half their year is spent in the darkness. So they've come to embrace it. She is the twin sister of aeolf and often each of their festivals acknowledges the other.


Like all the gods Mallfin can change her appearance. She often appears as a dark skinned woman with long, raven black hair and fully black eyes. Her clothes are usually a dark indigo colour, like the sky at midnight, or black.


Malfin's main festival is the winter soltice, when the nights are longest (and in many of the more northern parts of Skyss there is no daylight in this period). There is a secondary festival in late summer when the darkness returns to the northern parts of Skyss known as 'First Night'. Malfin's festivals involve animal sacrifice, blessings for her twin aeolf and feasting on the meat cooked on the sacred fire. Usually the feasting is done outdoors, away from the fire. Special dark ales are usually brewed for both festivals using roasted barley to give it a much darker colour than usual.

4 Oct 2018 20:26 · james


The calendar is based on a 28-29 day moon cycle numbered by observation, and also using clues like the solstices and the equinoxes to divide the years into three types, Long Winters, Long Summers, and Short Years. In a 38 year cycle there are 21 Long Summers, 10 Long Winters, and 7 Short Years.

The year starts on the first new moon after the Spring Equinox. Long Summers and Long Winter years have 13 moon cycles, and last 370-371 days. The Short Years have 12 Moons, and last exactly 342 days. Where the Spring Moon starts less than 12 days after the spring equinox then there's a 'Long Summer', which is always followed by a 'short winter. If there isn't a Long Summer, and the Fall Moon starts within 12 days of the Autumn equinox then there is a 'Long Winter', otherwise there's a Short Year.

Typically the moons are broken into four 7 day sections, the new Moon, the waxing Moon, the Full Moon, and the waning moon. Any extra days for the next new Moon are tacked onto the end as extra outwith the usual weekday naming conventions.

Names of Moons

Each of the moons has a name, based on the more common activities in most years when it appears, or the major festivals of the gods.

Long Summer Long Winter Short Year
Spring Moon Spring Moon Spring Moon
Flowering Moon Flowering Moon Flowering Moon
aeolf's Moon aeolf's Moon aeolf's Moon
Green Moon
Summer Moon Summer Moon Summer Moon
Ripening Moon Ripening Moon Ripening Moon
Harvest Moon Harvest Moon Harvest Moon
Fall Moon Fall Moon Fall Moon
jorunn's Moon jorunn's Moon jorunn's Moon
Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness's Moon Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness's Moon Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness's Moon
Snow Moon Snow Moon Snow Moon
Troll Moon
Cold Moon Cold Moon Cold Moon
mother's Moon mother's Moon mother's Moon
31 Mar 2024 21:28 · james

Aodh MacAodh

Aodh is the proprietor of the water_gate in Dalreoch. As well as purveying fine wines, ales of the best, and delicacies from across the known world, he is also reputed to be a spy, assassin and smuggler. Born in 739 in Dalreoch, the son of Earsaid MacAodh.


They are in the story

  • First appears - in Arrivals, a short story in the 'Heirs' outline.
  • Function: a point of view character to show some of the background of what is going on in the city around the events involving the nobility.


Aodh is a flame haired man with a pale complexion, he's solid but not fat and a little taller than average. In the right clothes he can pass as a noble. Equally he blends in well in a range of circumstances, and is able to speak several languages and pitch both low-born and noble and everywhere in between.



Notable people

  • gilruary - The Gilruary clan often use The Water Gate when they stay in Dalreoch, and the MacAodh are a client sept of the Gilruary.

Other Background

This is a placeholder list for links to pages that aren't about people, places, or gods.

10 Feb 2021 15:59 · james
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