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Orange or Lemon? - The Cast
10 Hits, Last modified:
[[wp>1689]]. Numbers shown thus //**[1]**// indicate the priority for casting if there are insufficient players for all roles to be filled for that player group. A minimum of four players are req... d. Preferably the uncommitted players should have at least two of the four positions in a minimum size... tland //**[2]**// * [[Melfort]], Secretary of State (with King James), widely hated Roman Catholic,
Duke of Hamilton
23 Hits, Last modified:
* William's Commissioner in Scotland ===== Reputation ===== * One of the large magnates of Scotland ===== Religion ===== * Catholic upbringing * practising Protestant
George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon
8 Hits, Last modified:
== * Constable of Edinburgh Castle ===== Reputation ===== * a very fine gentleman, well bred and educated * physically and morally courageous, but tends to vacillate when course of action unclear ===== Religion ===== * Roman Catholic by birth, but thinks very little of revealed
Archibald Campbell, 10th Earl of Argyll
24 Hits, Last modified:
Held ===== * Chief of Clan Campbell ===== Reputation ===== * Known as a staunch Williamite * seeking to recover his father's estates and restore the Earldom of Argyll which was attainted when his father supported an uprising against
John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee
25 Hits, Last modified:
ee * Provost of Dundee (i.e. mayor) ===== Reputation ===== * Dundee is fiercely loyal to King Jam... est during the 1670s and early 1680s. He is much hated by those who are Covenanters. ===== Religion ... net in William of Orange's guards. He was present at the Battle of Seneffe and rescued the young Prince when his horse fell in marshy ground. As a reward
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