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Yngvild Helgasdotir @skyss:chars
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looked freshly minted and polished, shinier than most silver coins I'd seen. Not that I'd seen very man... This coin had a small hole drilled where the top-most of the nine coins went. Old Bjorn turned the coi
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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es, there are villages every couple of miles over most of the coastal areas and up the river Ard until t... ingdom. In the years that followed the Earl spent most of it either as regent, or as an adviser to the r
Characters @skyss
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Pantheon of Skyss @skyss
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pans by human standards, and tend to be immune to most diseases. Depending on their lineage, and how far
Calendar @skyss:other
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as a name, based on the more common activities in most years when it appears, or the major festivals of
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata @skyss:places
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cadet branch of Ranald installed on the Northern most islands as a foil to the Muchardhs. * The [[:s
Kingdom of Skyss @skyss:places
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This coin had a small hole drilled where the top-most of the seven coins went. {{ :skyss:places:skyss_
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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ces:dealriata|Dael Riata]] and it has some of the most fertile farmland. On top of that there are royal
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