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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War
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el warning suggesting FWA citizens leave the Z155 system. The FWA also evacuated the Spuk consulate, which... leet announced a “Readiness exercise” in the Spuk system, which some believed was an attempt to intimidate
Lamster Summit Meeting
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was told that reapplication was possible should a system of universal suffrage and democracy be introduced... ved. - 'hot pursuit' of pirates into independent systems was approved So far, FWA operations (such as Ope... acomplish much together. President Diffey: If a system of universal suffrage and democracy is introduced
5 Hits, Last modified:
re selected by regional selection bodies, after a system of competition and opinion polls. Lamster has a loose system modelled a little after the Centauri, of whom it was once a member system. Government is small, and mainly operates the legal system and ensures that contract law is enforced. In 320
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===== Military ===== Ankh maintains a militia division. {{tag>Universe background Q1 Ankh FWA System}}
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on. The FWA has stationed a garrison destroyer at Nose. {{tag>Universe background Q1 Lamster FWA System}}
7 Hits, Last modified:
= Geography ===== Killiekrankie is an independent system in quadrant 1, co-ordinates 453,118. There are six planets in the system and the third planet is the only one inhabited by... ation move to any part of your planet (or between systems); without reference to any form of authority (i.... please. However there are checks on entry to the system that those wishing access to the planetary surfac
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