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Belgica Treasury Accounts
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Republic Treasury as appropriate for the time. I somehow doubt that these will be honoured gived subs
Glitius Decianus Fate
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arrested, including Decianus, and told to provide some scapegoats. At the same time the newly proclaim... ked the necessary influence to save himself. And so ended the game ---- * [[:megagames:ad69]] *
Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home
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the Legate of Legio V, did his duty as a faithful son of Rome and wrote to his parents regularly enclo... ssarily to Rome, or the Senate. your ever loving son Fabius Fabullus\\ Legate\\ Legio V Alaudae ===... else you feel is appropriate. your ever loving son Fabius Fabullus\\ Legate\\ Legio V Alaudae ===... ? Are you safe? Answer please, your ever loving son Fabius Fabullus\\ Legate\\ Legio V Alaudae
Letters to the Roman Senate
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ge loyalty to a man who would insult loyal troops so. What does the senate think of this? What is the... us Rufus (Imperial Legate) Dearest Galba I have sorted out the problem in Gallia Lugdunensis. The cu
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome
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LXVIII. ===== I would like to humbly ask you for some additional funds to maintain the 7 Legions defe... Procurator of Belgica ==== TO GERMANY ==== I'm sorry to inform you that you are at the bottom of th... ATE, ROME. FEB LXIX ===== Dear Senate, Thank you so much for the 47 Talents you 'scraped together'. Are you gentlemen so poor you are unable to pay your loyal servants wh
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? ====== Glitius Decianus was a 33 year old, equestrian, holding t... er as personal income). In other respects he was something of a traditionalist and had served with th
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