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Belgica Treasury Accounts
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tters to the [[Senate]] asking for more cash. I also wrote letters of credit on the Imperial and Repub
Glitius Decianus Fate
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ked the necessary influence to save himself. And so ended the game ---- * [[:megagames:ad69]] *
Letters to the Roman Senate
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ge loyalty to a man who would insult loyal troops so. What does the senate think of this? What is the
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome
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alty bonus missed 5 of our 9 Legions. They have also not received the celebratory bonus of 10 talents ... ATE, ROME. FEB LXIX ===== Dear Senate, Thank you so much for the 47 Talents you 'scraped together'. Are you gentlemen so poor you are unable to pay your loyal servants wh
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====== So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? ====== Glitius Decianus was a 33 year old, equestrian, holding t
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