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Berlin 1953
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tive}} ==== Buildings & Tunnels ==== There is also this one showing some of the main Nazi-era buildi... where we went round the underground tunnels. It also helped with some of the building locations not sh... bout 2000) showing the centre of Berlin which I also used for some street mapping. Largely I followed
3 Hits, Last modified:
I don't distinguish on the pages which is which, so be warned;-))) ---- ====== Background ====== It ... uding some things that not everyone knows about (so if so please play as if you don't know about it unless told by one of the characters that does). T
Herman Wolfe
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and [[horst|Gustav]]. [[ratcliffe|George]] was also present but didn't play a large part in the inter... idence found in the cellar he was living in and also from some of the paperwork in the crates. Mainly
Ute Dietrich
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George Ratcliffe
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ople about the named player character. There is also a [[:dg:berlin:george|private page]] restricted o
2 Hits, Last modified:
11 Hits, Last modified:
This means that the first half dozen sessions or so are largely undocumented. ====== Early Sessions =... hn to pistol whip him at the bottom of the stairs so that it looks like George has attempted to stop t... and [[horst|Gustav]]. [[ratcliffe|George]] was also present but didn't play a large part in the inter... add insurance to the imprisonment [[Wolfe]] was also drugged to rpevent him being awake and able to es
John Millen
8 Hits, Last modified:
Major Rollo von Hollman
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Gustav Horst
1 Hits, Last modified:
Documents from basement of the Golden Gate
3 Hits, Last modified:
out of a heart and its consumption. There were also a number of journals (in German, although there w... n ancient English and two in Latin). There were also three books in what looks like Latin. There was o
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