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United Branch Militant of the Seventh Coming
6 Hits, Last modified:
h Coming]] that colonised the planet Venus in the Sol system before moving to Canaan. The United Branc... , albeit slowly and as a minority sect. It claims some 10 million adherents universe wide, although no... s on the correct structure of the Church. They also tend towards more literal interpretations of the ... layer down consists of 12 Joblillies, there are also many Bishops and a group of Zealots (who form the
Church of the Seventh Coming
9 Hits, Last modified:
st the Venerian systems, and probably the main reason for their being a Venerian identity long before ... rpret the various Abrahamic holy scriptures and also gave them a drive to proselytise on their return.... is certain is that by 2830 they were sufficient resource-rich to be able to launch a mission to attemp... hurch of the Seventh Coming (Marxist-Lemmingist). Some call them mad, but these deeply religious scien
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