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The Pashtun Tribe @rules:clwg:coin
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nation, where they have settled at various times since the end of the nineteenth century as shifts in po... e provided the central leadership for Afghanistan since the eighteenth century when Ahmad Khan Abdali of ... s and cities. Tribal elders were again ignored. Since being toppled in 2001, the Taliban have merciless
Who Are the Taliban @rules:clwg:coin
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ce in the country has returned to levels not seen since 2001. Their retreat earlier this decade enabled
Orange or Lemon? - General Briefing @rules:clwg:1689
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g. (Remember that the Stuarts have ruled Scotland since 1370 - about as far back from 1688 as it is from ... en almost continuous religious strife in Scotland since the start of the reformation. ==== Church of Sc
Letter of King James VII to the Scottish Convention @rules:clwg:1689:convention
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In doing whereof you will choose the safest part, since thereby you will avoid the danger you must needs
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