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AD69 - Megagame Write Up
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ced garrisons. His deeds in defence of the empire should be rembered always... * [[:megagames:ad69:fate|
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
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Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home @megagames:ad69
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ruely in danger from the plebian mob, perhaps you should seek safety here in Germania Inferior. For myself
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome @megagames:ad69
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ave only been able to pay for 2 of our 7 legions. Should the barbarians attack now we would be unable to s
Letters to the Roman Senate @megagames:ad69
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les due to orders of Governor Maximus. Perhapsyou should order him there to see what it is like for himsel
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