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T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech
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for only protecting Earth's colonies in the outer quadrants. This seems like the easy option, and many canno... and he has been carefully corralling colonies in Quadrant 6 to work together for the common weal. I believe... Governor Armstrong is one of the most successful Quadrant Governors the empire has ever had, and that we ne
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Senators
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T93 - No Command Economy for Earth
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for only protecting Earth's colonies in the outer quadrants. This seems like the easy option, and many canno... and he has been carefully corralling colonies in Quadrant 6 to work together for the common weal. In this hour of need we need to reinforce the outer quadrants and also enable them to take the war to the enem
T93 - We Are At War
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== T93 - We Are At War ====== The Earth Empire in Quadrant 6 has been attacked at Doggie, and significant lo... Senate, the First Minister said that reports from Quadrant 6 and Sector EJ make it clear that there is a wid... in Sector EJ, and a significant human fleet from Quadrant 7 has been despatched to deal with these bases and the enemy fleet. In Quadrant 6 the first scout ship watched an enemy fleet des
T83 - Sunshine Fund Established
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without obligation at the discretion of the local Quadrant Governor. The eligibility criteria are: * the... nnel are required; It does not matter where in a Quadrant the colony is located and it is for the colony management to approach the Earth Quadrant Government to ask for assitance, although where t... icient funds being available. Each of the eight quadrants outside Q0 will have their own fund from the sta
T82 - First Minister Condemns Nuclear Attack
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T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum
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ter Ashanti left Sol today to travel to Hookum in Quadrant 1 to campaign in the referendum for the retention... e Solar Republic and Earth Empire. While in the Quadrant the First Minister will also be visiting the Free... o are close neighbours of the imperial systems in Quadrant 1. {{tag>news T80 Qd1 Hookum Earth TDA FirstMin
T78 - Q6 Full Audit Report Published
7 Hits, Last modified:
ly clean bill of health for the governance of the Quadrant. Some minor officials were arrested on several sp... f Imperial Warrant Holders on investigations into Quadrant 6 ==== Preamble; ==== The Warrant Holders were tasked with the examination of the situation in Quadrant 6, where it was feared that Governor Armstrong ha... ore than would be expected of a thorough audit of Quadrant governance of this type. Appropriate action has b
T77 - IEN New Year Honours
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T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited
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uthorised an Imperial Warrant for a Full Audit in Quadrant Six. Earlier this year naval intelligence repo
T75 - First Citizen Welcomes Digger and Z179 to Empire
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lcomes the applications of the Digger and Z179 in Quadrant 8 for membership of the Solar Republic and Empire
T74 Q0 - Baron Burwasher of Granyt is Appointed First Space Lord
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ame to public fame as the commander of the IEN in Quadrant 7 when the Exterminators attacked. He lead the combined human fleets in the quadrant in forming an alliance to defeat the alien robot
T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report
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T74 - Foreign Office - Bright Future for Independent Colonies
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ecial direct flights (in the case of at least two Quadrants), and will retain beneficial contacts with the n... cised in Q3 and Q8 with 6 x C5A dedicated in each Quadrant to assisting the moves of the special volunteers.
IEN New Constructions to 3208.149
1 Hits, Last modified:
Grand Admiral to Retire
5 Hits, Last modified:
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