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Orange or Lemon? - The Cast @rules:clwg:1689:people
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lved in the goings on in Scotland in [[wp>1689]]. Numbers shown thus //**[1]**// indicate the priority for... bite and Williamite factions should have the same number of players if possible. ===== Loyal Jacobites
Awa' to the Hills
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Orange or Lemon?
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Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics
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een both cards on the pair. There will be an even number of red spots and black spots so that the support ... is mostly unanimous. Otherwise each player has a number of votes that they directly control in their brie
Orange or Lemon? - General Briefing
3 Hits, Last modified:
rs that this policy would continue. Accordingly a number of English nobles and bishops invited his son-in-... glish army in the path of William's army. A large number of defections took place before the King decided ... rced religious toleration. There have also been a number of conversions from unscrupulous and ambitious me
Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes
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isms ===== The game is about trying to persuade a number of undecided members of the Convention to vote th
Letter of King James VII to the Scottish Convention @rules:clwg:1689:convention
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our interest, and that you will send some of your number to us with an account of your diligence, and the
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