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Herman Wolfe
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a couple of streets away from the club. Following his capture he was brought back to the [[Golden Gate]... Early life ==== Wolfe was born in 1910 in Berlin. His father was a relatively prosperous cabinet maker who ended up owning his own factory. Wolfe completed school and was accep... 1928. He dropped out of university at the end of his first year. The next few years were spent as a
Jeb Washington
1 Hits, Last modified:
upplies in them. He aslo does a bit of trading on his own account as he goes around. [[jeb|Player In
Marian Nevodski
2 Hits, Last modified:
ore the war. He then returned to University to do his doctorate which was interrupted by his recall to duty in 1939 when he fought against the Nazi invasion
Captain Parr
2 Hits, Last modified:
ho joined the army because that's what the men in his family always do. He is currently assigned to B... bully and not one to take kindly to being denied his wishes. He tends towards sadistic violence and lo
Ute Dietrich
1 Hits, Last modified:
ad fallen out, naturally she didn't want to draw his attention. [[:welcome|Home]] [[:dg:berlin|Berlin
George Ratcliffe
1 Hits, Last modified:
he British Army. He now lives in Berlin and makes his living as the manager of the [[Golden Gate]], a private club. This page is publicly accessible and should tell peopl
Discoveries in the Basement
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11 Hits, Last modified:
====== Narrative ====== This is a narrative of the various sessions that we have had, hopefully maintai... the game was picked up again in September 2006. This means that the first half dozen sessions or so ar... s redcaps are after [[hollman|Major Hollman]] and his men. Before [[ratcliffe|George]] and [[millen|Joh... having had the gunshots reported. [[Parr]] throws his weight about and tells them to clear off, this be
Major Rollo von Hollman
3 Hits, Last modified:
ared and asked if he could use the facilities for his men. His unit were a recently formed tank unit of the East German [[Volkspolizei]] (there is no East German army at this point). He said that although they had no money... ously injuring the two redcaps. He then made good his escape via the [[tunnels]], much to [[Parr]]'s an
Gustav Horst
15 Hits, Last modified:
Session dates
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