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Other Games
35 Hits, Last modified:
====== Other Games ====== These are the games that don't seem to belong to another sensible grouping. ===== Kim's Game ===== **Props:** A
Scouting Games
10 Hits, Last modified:
ng Games ====== Since Alexander has started with the local Beaver colony (5th Reigate, based in Merstham) I have been helping as an assistant leader (going under the nom de guerre 'Hawkeye'). These are the write-ups of some of the games that I have either played with
Circle Games
31 Hits, Last modified:
====== Circle Games ====== All these games involve the beavers/cubs/scouts sitting in a circle. In most cases the circle wants to be fairly wide, with the kids evenly spaced and not quite touching each other as they
Relay Races
20 Hits, Last modified:
====== Relay Races ====== All these games are based on teams racing against each other. ===== Crackers ===== **Props:** Cream Cracke... owing up balloons \\ **Instructions:** In turn the players run to a plate at the far end of the hall. On the plate is a stack of crackers and some ballo
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