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Mark Whitely @perfects:chars
1 Hits, Last modified:
in transit. However in the last five years he has had a year of working out of the UK where he spent mo
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
15 Hits, Last modified:
]], GM, 16 and a juvenile. She claimed that she had been kidnapped by the other two and that she want... custody). They'd met at St Pancras and Richard had brought the other man, known to both Richard and ... an the Brighton Express she'd been expecting. She had remonstrated with the two men when they got on the train but had reluctantly agreed to stay on the train until Par
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
1 Hits, Last modified:
of the people living next door but said that they hadn't seen them for a couple of weeks. On being aske
Gertrude Schepping @perfects:chars
1 Hits, Last modified:
Monck Security @perfects:corp
2 Hits, Last modified:
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol
1 Hits, Last modified:
| LFB and ambulance service on scene (prep work had parked them two streets away as a precaution). |
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
3 Hits, Last modified:
cted on the wave of public horror that Hephaestus had got away with things, and had even had the research approved, under the previous government. He took a much more hard-line approach.
CT12G @perfects:natpol
1 Hits, Last modified:
nother reason why they are in CT12G. Many of them had poor disciplinary records prior to joining CT12G,
Hephaestus Genetics
1 Hits, Last modified:
of curing cancer in the late twenties. They also had research lines in curing a number of hereditary d
Genetically Modified Humans Act 2044
5 Hits, Last modified:
oalition government formed of fringe parties that had done well from the protest votes. This lead to extreme restrictions on those that had been identified as having been created (or modifi... genetic research without mass testing. Hephaestus had implanted embryos with experimental modifications... = This was the real cause of the fear. Hephaestus had been conducting research involving a combination
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