to resolve disputes, and punishment of those who had committed crimes or broken tribal codes of conduc... amic State of Afghanistan, established by the mujahadeen whose leaders were mostly from the Ghilzai, an... he Soviets left — and in turn the Americans — mujahadeen commanders turned on each other and the Taliba
the Scots Parliament's declaration that James VII had forfeited his Crown Viscount Dundee returned home... udhope just north of Dundee. After a few weeks he had gathered about him some of his very loyal troop o
irth to a son. This brought home to those that he had upset with his toleration of Roman Catholics and ... eclared that this was evidence that King James II had abdicated and that William was now King of Englan
inent where he could live his life in peace.
He had been on the point of surrendering the castle in F... m the castle. They persuaded him to stay until he had word from King James VII.
===== Sources =
colonel of a new regiment raised in Scotland. He had still greater honors in view. In January 1683 the... ted, although his commission of justiciary, which had expired, was not renewed. In 1686 he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and had added to his position of constable the dignity of... d in command to General Douglas in the army which had been ordered to England to aid the falling dynast
Viscount Dundee]] and other Privy Council members had asked him to send and substituted this less than ... ch that in our greatest misfortunes heretofore we had recourse to your assistance and that with good su