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dg:museum [12 Jul 2008 06:39] – created jamesdg:museum [12 Jul 2008 06:43] (current) james
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 The material I kept electronically was: The material I kept electronically was:
   * {{:dg:museum:losses_from_the_museum_of_antiquities.doc|Losses from Museum of Antiquities}} - a list compiled in mid-2003 once the looting had stopped.    * {{:dg:museum:losses_from_the_museum_of_antiquities.doc|Losses from Museum of Antiquities}} - a list compiled in mid-2003 once the looting had stopped. 
-  * {{:dg:museum:bogdanos11072003.doc|Interview with Col Bogdanos}} the US office in charge of the operation to locate the missing artefacts. +  * {{:dg:museum:bogdanos11072003.doc|Report from Col Bogdanos}} the US officer in charge of the operation to locate the missing artefacts. 
   * {{:dg:museum:bmiraqvisitjune2003.doc|Report of British Museum visit to Iraq}} from June 2003, sets out a professional museum curator view of the problem.   * {{:dg:museum:bmiraqvisitjune2003.doc|Report of British Museum visit to Iraq}} from June 2003, sets out a professional museum curator view of the problem.
   * {{:dg:museum:babylon_report04.pdf|Report on the Babylon site}} with maps and a chronology of what happened from the invasion to the end of 2004 or thereabouts   * {{:dg:museum:babylon_report04.pdf|Report on the Babylon site}} with maps and a chronology of what happened from the invasion to the end of 2004 or thereabouts
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