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Percentage, Q8
4 Hits, Last modified:
= History ===== The system was originally settled by a group of Yendorian Clewgists from Earth in 3022... et. A period of happy co-existence was followed by some wars of unification, not too bloody for the ... est settlement on Percentage, having been settled by the original group of Yendorian Clewgists in the ... ich vein of red mercury discovered on the surface by the original colonists as well as a portion of re
11 Hits, Last modified:
===== General ===== Z155 is largely controlled by members of the First Church of Earth. The First E... The Legislature is a colonial council, controlled by the CSP. The CSP is made exclusively of First Chu... ghts Party is another opposition party. It is led by Ruby Royale, and includes many members of the Church of Elvis. Currently the Council is 39 FTP counci
Spuk, Q8
1 Hits, Last modified:
ix itself, are company towns and are wholly owned by the corporation (Phoenix Resurgam LLC, registered
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