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Murder! - Part 3
4 Hits, Last modified:
===== They decide that the next best thing would be to go down to the docks and look for more clues. ... been seen alive. The crew reckoned that he would be able to handle himself in a fight and were somewh... uld have more than one set of footwear, as they'd be authorised for shoes as well as boots and probabl... sued pair went to an Archdeacon responsible for robe procurement. He is frequently out of Templeton to
Murder! - Part 4
3 Hits, Last modified:
midday for further order. Hugh suggests that they be ready to travel when they report back in. =====... his private secretary. She believes that he can't be ruled out, he sounded exactly like the murderer a... e personally addressed and bear the words "NOT TO BE OPENED IN TEMPLETON" on the front and back of the
3 Hits, Last modified:
ly, in authoritarian tones: "Stand Aside! I shall be on my way." The urge to obey was strong and the ... llow him into it directly and crossed the road to be able to see down the alley without any risk that he might be ambushed, but by that time the Archdeacon had dis
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