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National Police
16 Hits, Last modified:
e deal with organised crime, counter terrorism, cyber crime, immigration enforcement, border security,... Organisation ===== National police comprises a number of Groups each of which is lead by an Assistant ... ds the Counter-Terrorism unit (CT) which has a number of branches. * CT1 to CT9 each cover a defined... st of England, CT7 South West, CT8 Yorkshire & Humberto, CT9 North East). * CT10 is a cyber support
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045
8 Hits, Last modified:
tion and are intended to strike the right balance between the powers of the police and the rights and
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
8 Hits, Last modified:
GM, 16 and a juvenile. She claimed that she had been kidnapped by the other two and that she wanted ... n to Paris rather than the Brighton Express she'd been expecting. She had remonstrated with the two me... rrival in Paris she had again argued with the men because she wanted to return on the next train. This... 9 years old and a philosophy student, was next to be interrogated. He stayed silent initially. Chief
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
6 Hits, Last modified:
t they hadn't seen them for a couple of weeks. On being asked for a description the neighbour said the... not yet available, however the house was found to be empty of people. ^ [[:perfects:welcome]] ^ [[
Operation Hawkeye
14 Hits, Last modified:
arrest|French police pick up three UK nationals]] behaving suspiciously at the Eurostar terminal. | |1... stone pending interrogation by CT12G.| | 14:00 | Bedford | [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:apr22-int|Thre... nd [[:perfects:chars:mackay-chan]] | | 17:25 | Bedford | [[:perfects:chars:mackay-chan]] is arrest... nate Mrs Schepping from the enquiry. | | 18:30 | Bedford | A second search warrant is requested for
Eurostar Arrests @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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ing come off the Eurostar. On questioning them it became clear that they were travelling as UK nationa... armerie and the documents looked suspicious. On being detained for further questioning all three rea... his claim was refused and the three suspects have been returned to the Border Command of the National Police. Running Biometrics they have been identified as GM subjects. They are currently i
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
11 Hits, Last modified:
assion for sinners. However, a careful eye should be kept on them, and if the caused trouble they needed to be removed from society immediately. The result of... ore hard-line approach. He directed that it would be appropriate for those confirmed as persistent troublemakers to be taken into preventative detention. In such cases
12 Hits, Last modified:
hared a house with him. They both studied law, he became a barrister and she pursued a police career. ... neither fair nor open. All of its personnel have been hand picked by either Commander Coalfield or th... up rate in CT and none of their convictions have been overturned on appeal. ===== Organisation ====... nd 43 constables. One of the Inspectors leads a cyber support and intelligence serial. The other three
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