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The Alpins
13 Hits, Last modified:
s before she died when the old Queen was captured at the start of the civil war (in 754). He has four ... vourite candidate for the Chair to be established at the university if the Estates approve the Charter. Sean Alpin became the Earl at the age of 2, and was raised in Dalcot and then D... thin a month of his first son Uilleam being born. At the time many feared that the Alpin's were cursed
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata
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ald is the King of Dael Riata, and the fifth of that name. His mother was the only child of Alasdair I... are expected to swear loyalty to him. He is a great grandson of King Harold VII of Bernicia (reigned ... as some of the most fertile farmland. On top of that there are royal duties paid on trade that passes through the main ports. The capital is [[:skyss:plac
Bhaltair Gilranald
1 Hits, Last modified:
had been causing trouble for generations. The seat of the Earl is the walled city of Norpen, a very ... ilt haven from the Northern seas and the storms that rip across the open ocean to the North and West o... w generations. There's an active stone quarry that exports local stone for building. There are also ... s chosen for his close relation to the King and that the Earls of [[:skyss:chars:daels:sioltach|Duffjo
Iain Alpin @skyss:chars:daels:alpin
5 Hits, Last modified:
led and disciplined. More than one heir of the great nobles met their end at his hands. Eventually Iain followed when the Queen went out of Dael Riata to Berenicia, and helped her find what she had hoped would be safety and solidarity from... ly intervened and said he needed loyal servants that could be relied on. Rumours suggested that his fa
The Murchadhs
2 Hits, Last modified:
omnhall was one of the leaders of the coalition that overthrew [[:skyss:chars:daels:caoimhe_ranald|Que... Riata in place of the traditional Daelian gods that the small folk worshipped and the nobles had lear... ing and his Steward for a negotiation over dinner at Caer Suibhne, a neutral ground. The rules of hosp... of steel. When the Earl of Douglas entered the great hall he found the King's Steward cleaning his swo
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