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Belgica Treasury Accounts
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== Prepared by Glitius Decianus ---- Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica, has insisted that I keep a proper set of accounts for out Treasury that it may be audited by the [[Senate]] or Imperial Officials if required. I do not see why this need be
Who Was Who?
17 Hits, Last modified:
^Player ^ |Glitius Decianus |Procurator of Belgica |James Kemp | |Valerius Asiaticus |Governor of Belgica |Andy Reeve | |Fabius Fabullus |Legate, Legio V |Alan Doodes | |Pompeius Vopiscus |Treasurer to the Senate |Jurrien de Jong | |Gauius Cornutus |Procurator
Glitius Decianus Fate
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====== Glitius Decianus Fate ====== After having spent a deal of time scraping together money to pay f... legions of Germany & Gaul the self-titled 'Procurator of the West' went to Rome when the Western Gove... pped him from receiving the tax incomes. Arriving at Rome just as the German Legions stormed the city ... ith the commanders of the Legions and Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica. At this point the
Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home
31 Hits, Last modified:
me ====== During the game Fabius Fabullus, the Legate of Legio V, did his duty as a faithful son of Ro... letters were found on the floor of the ruined Senate house. The fate of his parents is unknown. ===== LETTER I ===== Dearest Mater\\ Honoured Pater I am well and we are being pai
Letters to the Roman Senate
41 Hits, Last modified:
====== Letters to the Roman Senate ====== After the sacking of the Senate building a number of letters were recovered amid the ruins fr... n Army Council to the Emperor & members of the Senate. These give a flavour of what they were telling the Emperor/Senate before they finally decided to ma
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome
74 Hits, Last modified:
ent. Your Humble Servant, Glitius Decianus Procurator of Belgica Durocortorum, Belgica. ===== TO THE... MPERIAL TREASURY, ROME. OCT LXVIII. ===== The situation on the Rhine is grave. We have only been able ... pay for 2 of our 7 legions. Should the barbarians attack now we would be unable to stop them. Please send 200 Talents now. Glitius Decianus Procurator of Belgica ==== TO THE TREASURY ==== BELGICA
31 Hits, Last modified:
strian, holding the Imperial appointment of Procurator of Belgica. This meant that he was in charge of the finance of the province and answerable to the Emperor rather than the Senate. As an equestrian he was lower than the Senators in status but still a wealthy man
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