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Operation Boldly Go - Military
2 Hits, Last modified:
esource for [[|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game
Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
7 Hits, Last modified:
ed or destroyed, rendered 'dead', whether accidentally or deliberately, what will be the legal position... Scientific Compound, Conqueror 7. Mr. Steel, to all intents and purposes, is a male and should for all matters of supply and social contact be treated as ... main CPU has been off line due to renovation. In all those cases the secondary CPU has been active, s
Operation Boldly Go
87 Hits, Last modified:
esource for [[|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game... ACTION REQUIRED BY YOU], which has been Presidentially approved. Please contact me if there are any iss... ola, late ESS ONE GIANT LEAP. The Regiment's overall strength is 50% below establishment. [55 personnel in post] The 757th Regiment 'The All Esteeler Screaming Voles' is made up entirely of
Operation Boldly Go
13 Hits, Last modified:
esource for [[|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game... the robot probes, and the local response was virtually identical to the response at Tiamat. The species... have industry on a what appears to be a fairly small scale. Of course this might also be large scale ... hat winning a "meet the aliens" competition would allow her to actually meet aliens. She had to be prev
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