^ //this page is a game resource for [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game.// //None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.// ^ ====== Operation Boldly Go - Military ====== ===== Ships ===== * Long Range Survey Ship (SSXI) Mission Command [ESS ODYSSEY] * Naval Destroyer (DDI) Mission Defence [ESS INCREDIBLE] * Naval Destroyer (DDI) Mission Defence [XSS Gonen] * Science Scout (SCSI) Scout Specialist [VSS Re] * Troop Transport (TPRI) Specialist Support [MSS Outreach] * Logistics Ship (LSSI) Mission Support [VSS Ambanja] * Logistics Ship (LSSI) Mission Support [ESS Riet] * Logistics Ship (LSSI) Mission Support [ASS Transaxle] * Fighters - PAC Flight (2) – Mission Defence (4 crated in each LSSI) ===== Marines ===== * Two national Marine Regiments attached; one each on ESS Odyssey and MSS Outreach. * Each other vessel will have a multinational UHTF Marine Group attached. {{tag>universe background boldlygo aliens}}